Firewall Filter Blocks Charts

Filter Blocks Charts summarize the number of packets blocked by a filter.

Top 10 Rules Triggered Charts the Top 10 filter blocks triggered for filter rules. Zero indicates blocks that resulted from an implicit rule violation, such as ěpossible spoof.î
Input prompt Date/time range.
Description Vertical bar chart with total filter blocks triggered (vertical) for each filter rule (horizontal).

Top 10 by Source IP Address Charts the top 10 filter blocks triggered for selected filter rules by source IP address.
Input prompt Date/time range.
Description Horizontal bar chart with total filter blocks triggered (horizontal) for the top 10 source IP addresses (vertical).

Top 10 by Destination Port Charts the top 10 filter blocks triggered for selected filter rules by destination port.
Input prompt Date/time range.
Description Horizontal bar chart with total filter blocks triggered (horizontal) for the top 10 port pairs (vertical).

Top 10 Rules Triggered by Source IP Address Charts the top 10 filter blocks triggered for selected source IP address/rule pairs. Zero indicates blocks that resulted from an implicit rule violation.
Input prompt Source IP address and date/time range.
Description Horizontal bar chart with total filter blocks triggered (horizontal) for the top 10 source addresses (vertical).

By Day of Week Charts the filter blocks triggered for selected source IP addresses by the day of the week.
Input prompt Source IP address and date/time range.
Description Horizontal bar chart with the total number of blocks (horizontal) for each day of week (vertical).

By Time of Day and Day of Week Charts the filter blocks triggered for selected source IP addresses by the day of the week and time of day. It provides the best visibility of all data automatically; consequently, days may not appear in sequence.
Input prompt Source IP address and date/time range.
Description Ribbon chart with the total number of blocks (right) for each hour (left ) and day of week (horizontal).