Internet Access Management Charts

Internet Access Management Charts organize and display information gathered by content filtering. Internet Access Management reports are available to those with an optional Surf Sentinel subscription. You may request an evaluation version of Surf Sentinel from GTAís website at For more information about obtaining a Surf Sentinel subscription, contact a GTA Channel Partner or the GTA sales staff at

User Name

The user name reflects the name logged by the firewall when GBAuth is used for authentication. If you are not using authentication log data, run these reports by entering the wildcard percent symbol (%) in the user name field and use the source IP address for user identification. Where user name is applicable, the source IP address is referred to as the user IP address.

Top 10 Web Categories by Connections Charts the total connections made to the top 10 web categories.
Input prompt Date/time range.
Description Horizontal bar chart with total connections (horizontal) to the top 10 web categories (vertical).

Top 10 Web Categories by Bandwidth Charts the total bandwidth used for the top 10 web categories.
Input prompt Date/time range.
Description Horizontal bar chart with total bytes transferred (horizontal) for each of the top 10 web categories (vertical).

Top 10 Web Users by Connection Charts the total connections made by the top 10 web users.
Input prompt Date/time range.
Description Horizontal bar chart with total number of connections (horizontal) for the top 10 user IP addresses (vertical).

Total Connections by Time of Day, Day of Week and User IP Address Charts the total number of connections for the selected users by time and day.
Input prompt User IP address and date/time range.
Description Ribbon chart with total number of connections (right) by time (left) and day (horizontal).

Total Blocked Web Access Attempts by Time of Day and Day of Week Charts the total number of blocked web access attempts for a user by time of day and day of week.
Input prompt User IP address and date/time range.
Description Ribbon chart with number of blocked web access attempts (right) by time (left) and day (horizontal).

Top 10 URLs by Bandwidth Charts the total usage for the top 10 URLs.
Input prompt Date/time range.
Description Horizontal bar chart with bandwidth (horizontal) by URL (vertical).

Top 10 URLs by Bandwidth and User IP Address Charts the total usage for the top 10 URL/user IP address pairs.
Input prompt User IP address and date/time range.
Description Horizontal bar chart with top 10 URLs/user IP address pairs (vertical) by total bandwidth (horizontal).