Database Layout

Log file data flows through the GTA Firewall and GTA Reporting Suite system to create a versatile database setup. The database can be placed separately, either on a different machine or a different network, and there can be multiple copies of GTA Reporting Suite monitoring the same data. In addition, using GTA Reporting Suite with a multiple license, any number of firewalls can be monitored, even over a distributed network.

Log Data Flow

Private Service Network (PSN) Server

In another common layout, typically used when multiple firewalls will be logging to GTAsyslog, the database server is housed on the PSN, with GTA Reporting Suite installed on the Protected Network. This places the database on a secure, isolated network. In the illustration below, Inbound tunnels will need to be added to GTA Firewall A to allow access through the External Network interface on UDP port 514 for GTA Firewall B.