Firewall Filter Blocks Reports

Filter Blocks Reports summarize the number of packets blocked by a filter.

By Source IP Address Reports the total number of filter blocks for the specified source IP address or addresses.
Input prompt Source IP address and date/time range.
Columns Source IP, Blocks

Top 10 by Source IP Address Reports the total number of filter blocks for the Top 10 source IP addresses.
Input prompt Source IP address and date/time range.
Columns Source IP, Blocks

By Destination Port Reports the total number of filter blocks for the destination IP addresses.
Input prompt Source IP address and date/time range.
Columns Source IP and Port, Dest IP and Port, Protocol, Blocks

Top 10 by Destination Port Reports the total number of filter blocks for the Top 10 destination IP ports.
Input prompt Source IP address and date/time range.
Columns Source IP and Port, Dest IP and Port, Protocol, Blocks

Total Rules Triggered Reports the total number of filter blocks for each rule violated. Zero indicates blocks that resulted from an implicit rule violation.
Input prompt Date/time range.
Columns Rule, Blocks

Rules Triggered by Source IP Address Reports the total number of filter blocks by the selected source IP addresses for each rule violated. Zero indicates blocks that resulted from an implicit rule violation.
Input prompt Source IP address and date/time range.
Columns Rule, Source IP, Blocks

Top 10 Rules Triggered by Source IP Address Reports the total number of filter blocks by the Top 10 source IP addresses for each rule violated. Zero indicates blocks that resulted from an implicit rule violation.
Input prompt Source IP address and date/time range.
Columns Rule, Source IP, Blocks

¨ Note

Rule zero indicates filter blocks that did not result from a rule violation.